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Before Abraham Was: Understanding Jesus’ Divine Identity


In the rich tapestry of biblical theology, few statements stand out as profoundly as Jesus' declaration in John 8:58: “Believe me,” said Jesus, “I am who I am long before Abraham was anything.” This striking assertion from Jesus is pivotal for understanding His divine nature and identity. In this blog, we will delve into the significance of this statement and explore how it underscores the Christian belief that Jesus is indeed God.

1. The Profound Declaration

In John 8:58, Jesus uses the phrase "I am who I am," which resonates deeply with the divine name revealed to Moses in Exodus 3:14. In that Old Testament passage, God reveals Himself to Moses with the name "I AM," signifying His eternal, self-existent nature. By using this phrase, Jesus is not only affirming His pre-existence but also aligning Himself with the very God who spoke to Moses from the burning bush.

2. The Eternal Existence of Christ

Jesus' statement, “long before Abraham was anything,” is a profound affirmation of His eternal existence. Abraham, a key figure in the Jewish faith, lived over two millennia before Jesus' earthly ministry. By declaring His existence before Abraham, Jesus is making a clear statement about His timeless nature. He is asserting that He is not bound by the confines of time and history, which is a characteristic solely attributed to God.

3. The Implication of Divinity

For many, this statement might seem audacious or even controversial, but it is essential to understand the context and implications. Jesus is claiming to be the eternal God who transcends human history and experience. This declaration is not merely a statement of His pre-existence but also a claim of His divine authority and unity with God the Father. In the Gospel of John, Jesus makes several claims about His divinity, including His oneness with the Father (John 10:30) and His role as the source of eternal life (John 14:6).

4. The Reactions of His Audience

The reaction of Jesus' audience to this claim was one of shock and hostility. In John 8:59, the religious leaders pick up stones to throw at Him. This response indicates that they understood His statement as a claim to divinity, which they considered blasphemous. In Jewish law, claiming to be God was a serious offense, and the leaders' reaction highlights the gravity of Jesus' assertion.

5. The Theological Significance

For Christians, Jesus' claim in John 8:58 is foundational to the doctrine of the Trinity, which holds that Jesus is God the Son, co-equal and co-eternal with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. This understanding is central to Christian theology and is affirmed throughout the New Testament. Jesus’ divine identity is essential for understanding His role in salvation, His authority, and His relationship with the Father.


In John 8:58, Jesus makes a profound declaration about His divine nature and eternal existence. By invoking the divine name and asserting His existence before Abraham, Jesus affirms His identity as God. This statement is a cornerstone for Christian belief, encapsulating the mystery and majesty of Jesus' divine nature. As we reflect on this passage, we are invited to explore the depth of Jesus' identity and His significance in our faith.

Understanding and embracing this truth about Jesus’ divine identity is not just about theological knowledge but also about recognizing the depth of His love and sacrifice for humanity. It challenges us to reconsider our relationship with Him and the implications of His eternal existence in our lives today.

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