“Teach me how to live more fully in the present— refusing to worry about tomorrow. I really do want to live present tense in Your Presence, making You the main pursuit of my life. This is quite a struggle for me because planning and worrying come so naturally to me. Please help me resist the temptation to worry.”
I usually fall into the “trap” late at night. The sudden rush of worry about tomorrow’s meeting. The unnerving sense that my goals and dreams for the future aren’t going to work out. The terrifying sensation that I am not where I should be, and am running out of time.
I call it the tomorrow trap. That snare that comes out of nowhere, tripping you up and keeping you stuck by flooding your mind with worry about things that aren’t even happening yet. Trap is the right word for it, isn’t it?
No one plans their day around getting stuck in thoughts and fears about tomorrow. You’ll just be out and about, enjoying being present, when suddenly, the tomorrow trap catches you by surprise, like a bear trap closing on a poor, unsuspecting fawn.
One worry turns into two. Two becomes three. And before you know it, you are caught in the trap.
Here’s the most annoying part: worrying about tomorrow paralyzes us today.
Have you ever experienced that? Have you ever felt yourself struggling to move forward today because you are too preoccupied with something you have to do tomorrow? Since you are a human being, I will assume you just said, “Yes!” audibly. Or are at least nodding your head in agreement. The tomorrow trap is something we all have to deal with. It keeps us from being present with the people in our life today. It makes us doubt God’s promises today. It keeps us from pursuing our purpose today.
But what if it doesn’t have to be that way?
There may be traps set up all over the place, but you can get really good at breaking out of them and even spotting them early enough to avoid them altogether. The secret is to memorize Scripture. Committing Scripture to memory is like hiding it in your heart, preparing it for the moment you need it most.
Memory Verse: “This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24)
Let me tell you about a typical day for me. First, I wake up and feel great. I read the Bible, work out, eat a healthy breakfast, and commit to being present with God today. So far, so good.
The problems begin right around the time I head out my front door. That’s usually when my mind gets bombarded by everything coming up later in the week. Before I know it, I trade in being present in the moment for worrying about the future. I get stuck in the tomorrow trap.
Psalm 118:24 is a phenomenal lifeline; it’s my go-to verse for escaping the tomorrow trap. I love how simple it is. Today, with all its imperfections, is the day the LORD has made. You have a choice to make, you can either let your mind wander toward tomorrow or choose to rejoice and be glad right now.
The truth about today is you are loved, valued, and accepted right where you are. But it can be awfully hard to see that and even harder to believe that because we usually get caught up worrying that there’s a time limit on that love.
Memory Verse: “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33).
This verse is an essential ingredient for outsmarting the tomorrow trap. One of the main reasons we get so nervous about tomorrow is that we forget that God has us covered. Whenever you start to get overwhelmed about tomorrow, focus on trusting God’s promises today. When you do, God promises to take care of the rest.
The truth about today is God’s got you. The tomorrow trap tries to spin a different tale. Don’t listen to the lie.
Memory Verse: “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34).
This is the big one. In times of waiting, you have two options. The first is to worry about the future. The second is to get up and live on purpose today. Jesus was a big proponent of the latter.
No matter how uncertain you may be about tomorrow, God has a plan and purpose for your life. The secret to outsmarting the tomorrow trap is to live on purpose right now, to take the focus off yourself, and make it about someone else. We are so preoccupied with the future that we forget to be present with the people right in front of us. There is someone in your life right now to love. There is a neighbor who could use some encouragement. There is a group of people who are struggling and could use some help.
So here’s my challenge: Spend one hour today building up someone else. Observe how you feel as you’re helping someone else. I bet you’ll notice that when you devote your energy to helping others today, you worry a lot less about tomorrow.
When you find yourself stuck in the tomorrow trap, the best thing you can do is remember that you are here to live on purpose today!